Interstate 81, Exit 8 – Exit 12

Project Details
Existing 2 lane northbound and 2 lane southbound interstate highway.
Purpose of the project was to widen both the northbound and southbound travel ways to 3 lanes. Project included ±108,000 cubic yards of onsite, unclassified excavation and ±46,000 cubic yards of offsite, unclassified borrow excavation. In addition, the project required the installation of 74,600 LF of free draining base trench, 22,000 LF of storm sewer, 50 storm structures, 31 infiltration basins, 12,000 LF of guardrail and 9,000 LF of concrete median barrier wall. 38,400 LF of temporary steel barrier wall was set and reset twice during construction. Prior to paving over the existing travel lanes, the asphalt was milled down to the concrete and concrete rubblization was performed. The original design was to pave over the rubblized concrete, but due to unforeseen conditions, a majority of the concrete and all reinforcement had to be removed, graded and compacted before paved upon. This project required a significant amount of MOT planning to maintain the safety of the public, the workforce and to complete the phasing of work.