Spotsylvania Solar Energy Center

Project Details
The project consisted of improvements associated with a 165 MW solar facility located in western Spotsylvania County, Virginia. Prior to construction, the site was used for silviculture purposes and was zoned agriculture. The site consisted of woods, wetlands, streams, floodplains and various resource protection areas. The overall topography of the site consisted of rolling hills and valleys ranging from 0.5% to 20% slope. A special use permit was applied for from Spotsylvania County and approved. The total project area consisted of ±1,960 acres of which ±1,249 acres were disturbed. The site was broken into 3 zones (Zone A, Zone B and Zone C), with A.L.L. Construction performing work in Zone A and B. Site work consisted of installing erosion control measures, demolition, de-stumping, clearing and grading, pile driving, utility trenching, landscaping, and gravel road construction. A total of 50 sediment basins (±236,000 yards of excavation) were installed with supporting E&S measure such as silt fence, diversion dikes, check dams, stabilization matting, seeding and mulching. Approximately 200,000 yards of excavation was performed for installation of the solar panels.