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Proctor & Gamble

Project Date: October 2015 – May 2019
Location: Tabler Station, WV – Berkeley County
Client: Fluor/ Procter & Gamble
Value: $103.4M

Project Details

The purpose of the project was the construction of a manufacturing/distribution facility. The property was part of a planned industrial development and prior to development was leased for livestock grazing and originally was an orchard tree farm. Several existing barns, outbuildings and residential homes were still present. The primary discharge points for the site existing were stone culverts under the railroad. The site topography was gently rolling with slopes ranging from 1 to 15 percent. Approximately 460 acres was disturbed with ±223 acres of impervious area created by the development of the site.

Prior to earth disturbing activities, the site was cleared and grubbed. Due to the presence of arsenic on the upper 12 to 18” of topsoil, the topsoil had to be stockpiled, covered with an orange netting and capped with a minimum of 1’ of clay material. Installation of erosion and sediment controls coincided with the topsoil removal. The site was protected by installing 5 sediment basins and 2 sediment traps with supporting silt fence, diversion dikes, inlet and outlet protections, stabilization matting, seeding and mulching. Final site establishment included over 6 million cubic yards of material excavated, ±2.5 million cubic yards of rock blasting, 503,000 tons of limestone rock crushed, 48,500 LF of storm sewer (sizes ranging from 6” to 72”), over 400 storm structures, 5,500 LF of gas line, 3 pump stations, 7,800 LF of force main, 5,500 LF of domestic waterline and 26,500 LF of HDPE fire line with numerous fire risers, fire hydrants, gate valves and PIVs. Successful, safe completion of the project required extensive coordination of work areas and scheduling between an abundant number of other contractor and subcontractors.